Bold Journey Interview

I was interviewed by Bold Journey.  It is very personal, but intentionally so.  I hope that it contributes to the mental health and wellness conversations we need to have more often.

Originally published by BOLD JOURNEY, October 23, 2023

Santo Marabella, The Practical Prof®

We were lucky to catch up with Santo D. Marabella recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Santo D., really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?

I selected this question because at this very moment, I find myself at a crossroads in my life as it relates to my purpose. My professional purpose has been clear for many years. In all of my professional activities – whether writing a film, play, book or newspaper column; directing theater or film; making presentations on business topics, or actually teaching in a college environment – I am a teacher!

I came to that quite be accident. I was in graduate school for my doctorate and needed to make some money so I responded to an advertisement for an adjunct instructor at a college that was on my way home from grad school. “How hard could it be” I quipped. Well, a lot harder than I thought, at least to be a good teacher. But, I committed to becoming the best teacher I could be, and had a fulfilling and enjoyable 30-year career as a college professor. It became clear to me early in my career, that at my core, I am a teacher, and everything I did professionally I viewed from that lens. I consider myself fortunate to have made a living from something I so passionately love. And, as a retiree from full-time university teaching, I continue to “teach” in a more relaxed pace, being selective about both the variety and amount of projects I take on.

My personal purpose, and the one that I’ve always considered to be more important, is what challenges me right now, in a way that I’ve never been challenged. Dramatic developments (read losses) have created such consternation, that for probably the first time in my personal life, I’m not sure how to go forward [it’s possible that coming out in my 30’s came pretty close, but this feels worse because it’s happening now], Let me be clear, it is about “how to go forward, not “if”! I have every intention to push forward, just not sure how.

The fact is I lost the three most important “beings” [you’ll see in a sec, the reason for my word choice] in my life over the past four years. My Mom passed away in February, 2020 (before COVID) from stomach cancer and kidney failure; my Dad in May, 2021, from Parkinson’s Disease after an 18-year battle; and, my 11 1/2 year old flat-coated retriever from complications of trigeminal neuritis (an inflammation of nerves in the eyes, face and jaw) just this past August. I was with each of them when they passed. For my parents, I was their son and primary caregiver; for my dog, I was his dad and his caregiver and he was my best bud. They were roles I cherished and ones that consumed my personal life in mostly positive ways – my personal life had purpose. With their deaths, I not only lost them from my life, but I lost the purpose in my life.

At 63, with no siblings here (I was adopted and do have siblings in Italy) and no spouse or “person” in my world, I don’t know how to regenerate or recreate my purpose. It’s understandable as I sit in and with the grief that finding purpose would be difficult. It may be that I can see more clearly with time. So, for now, I am trying to be good to myself and give myself the gifts of understanding, empathy and patience that I would give a loved one going through the same experience. I don’t believe that “time heals all wounds.” I do believe that with time comes perspective, clarity and hope. And, it’s that notion that I’m relying on to get through (not over) the losses.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

Well, the easiest way to answer that is probably to share my bio, which gives way more than what folks would likely want to know, but we’ll let them decide!

Dr. Santo D. Marabella, The Practical Prof® and the 2018 Reading Eagle Entertainment Newsmaker of the Year, is an author, playwright, filmmaker, speaker and educator with writing, directing and/or producing credits that include books, television pilots, a musical, short films and plays. He was a producer of This Is Reading by two-time Pulitzer Prize winning and Tony nominated playwright, Lynn Nottage. He co-founded and executive produced ReadingFilmFEST (2015 through 2017), as well as co-founded and served as Film Commissioner, ReadingFilm (2006 to 2018). His column, Office Hours with The Practical Prof®, has appeared in MediaNews Group newspapers since 2012.

Current project includes: writer/director, An Evening of Ones (one act plays), scheduled for May 2024; producer, “Ava” feature film (October 2023); and, producer, “Flashlight” feature film (December 2023).

Past projects include: director/co-producer, workshop for “Love Is Afoot!”, an original musical (August 2023); producer, “Take Five on 5th” visual arts show (March 2023); writer/producer, “The Caregiver”, short film (August 2022); director/producer, “This Machine”, video/audio play (September 2021); and, writer/producer/creator, “Franklin Street Station” TV pilot (May 2018). Non-produced projects: writer, “Barbara Saves Herself” feature screenplay; and writer/creator, “Raising the ‘Rents”, TV pilot.

Marabella is Professor Emeritus of Management, Moravian University where he continues to teach part time. He is a member of The Lambs®, The Dramatists Guild of America and Theatre Communications Group. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Villanova University; an MBA from St. Joseph’s University; and, a doctorate in social work from the University of Pennsylvania.

As a recent early retiree, Marabella finally feels like he can give his full attention to producing, creating, writing and directing theater, film and TV projects, especially the ones that he has created or written. He has worked on developing his writing skill for what he calls “story-telling for GOOD”! That is, stories with the potential to have meaningful and positive social impact that can make a positive difference for for business, not-for-profit organizations, communities and individuals everywhere.

At the moment, he is part of the team working to mount a commercial, and eventually a Broadway, production of the original musical Love Is Afoot! mentioned above. In addition, he continues to pitch the two TV pilots he created – Franklin Street Station and Raising the ‘Rents – to production companies and networks. Finally, he is prepping three of his one act plays for a regional theatre production coming up in May, 2024.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

I believe in and work daily to be:  A person of integrity, authenticity and compassion.