I Fear our Future!
Santo D. Marabella | Posted on |
As The Practical Prof®, I have done my best to walk the fine line between not being political and speaking up for social justice. It is often a challenge that weighs heavily on me. I never wish to judge or alienate, and I always want to speak up and stand up for the voices that are not heard or that cannot speak for themselves. The two cannot always coexist – this is one of those moments.
To an extent, I get the allure of a Donald Trump. His charisma speaks to those who have suffered, who have felt or been ignored or unseen. He paid attention to them, validating their sense of disenfranchisement. It is an important wake-up call that we should have answered years ago.
That’s where my understanding of Trump’s attraction ends. I do not understand that his base, and apparently a majority of the electorate, support him despite his hate rhetoric, his well-documented lies, his felony convictions, his promise of vengeance and to silence those who challenge him and his disregard for the rule of law. None of this seems to matter to them.
So, what does matter? Money is the obvious one. The perception that the first Trump administration brought posterity, though how much it rode the coat-tails of the 8 years of Obama’s administration needs to be considered.
Strength and resistance against an establishment is another. Dismantling an entire system (read The Constitution) will fix the few flaws. It’s the logic of purging all old clothes for a closet of new ones because a few dresses or suits aren’t in line with your style!
And, I can’t help but wonder if Trump’s behavior is secretly, or not so secretly, admired and something many would like to emulate but societal pressures or their conscience prevent them from doing the same.
I must be honest, I fear a second Trump administration. I fear for the many ways it will eliminate or weaken what for nearly 250 years has been considered American – welcoming borders, respect for human rights, celebrating differences, separation of church and state and the rule of law. I could go on and on.
I fear that Trump will follow through on all of his promises, and that the majority of the electorate has sorely underestimated and dismissed the grave, destructive impact it will have on the democratic Republic as we know it.
I hope I’m wrong, I fear I’m not!
I wish you peace during what for many will be difficult days ahead!
The Practical Prof®