Witnessing Workplace Bullying
Santo D. Marabella | Posted on |

This column was first published in the Reading Eagle on March 18, 2025
Workplace bullying is on the rise and leadership in the national arena is a big contributor! Read more to see why.
Background on bullying
There are three things I’ve learned about bullying. First, while their behavior may change from overt to covert, bullies don’t stop unless they are stopped (Baylor School of Medicine). Second, bullying stops when people speak up. Third, a lack of workplace community facilitates bullying.
The bullying triad is the bully, their target and the witness(es). The bully, most often a boss, threatens, intimidates or mocks as a pattern of ongoing behavior. The target, usually their subordinate, is victimized by the bully. The witness is not the target, but sees and experiences the impact of bullying on the target and the company or organization.
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), in 2024, 52 million workers, about 32% of the American workforce, have been or are being bullied. African-Americans and Latinos have the highest rate of being bullied at 44.3% and 33.5% respectively. White Americans are bullied at less than the national rates. Another reason for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
An Ethisphere 2023 Culture Report shows an almost 13% increase in bullying since the pandemic. At the same time, Gen Z report misconduct less than any other age cohort, despite their professed willingness to call out bad behavior — 39% of Gen Z respondents do not report misconduct (i.e. bullying).
Bearing witness
The witness (or bystander) to bullying can support the target’s assertion they are being bullied. They can stand up to the bully directly or speak out against the bully to their employer.
The WBI report estimates that around 14% of the workforce, or 22.6 million, have witnessed bullying at work. Their response is critical to stopping bullying, yet in only 2% of the cases, bullying is stopped because a witness intervenes. In 62% of cases, bullied targets “stop” the bullying but at a high cost — their job. They either quit, or are transferred, forced out or fired.
Three factors seem to explain why witnesses don’t speak up: fear of retaliation, feeling powerless and no sense of responsibility to others. All are symptoms of the lack of community at work, and the same obstacles that stop society from stopping public leaders who are bullies.
We lack a sense of community as a society; it’s only reasonable that we would experience this at work. So, individual employees do not feel connected to, care about or support one another. It is a hotbed for bullying but also a strong disincentive to witness. A witness believes that speaking up for the bully, will likely get them a prime spot for being the bully’s next target. And, even if the witness does speak up, they don’t necessarily think it will make a difference — a reasonable assumption since we know bullying stops mostly because the target is gone.
Workers do not feel responsibility for one another is the most disturbing explanation. It is another symptom of the gross disengagement of the American workforce, estimated to be as high as 77% (Gallop 2024 State of the Global Workplace Report). Workers don’t feel attached or care about their work, why would they feel attached or care about their co-workers?
What witnesses can do
Building community at work takes time, in the same way rebuilding a societal sense of community seems so daunting. But, there are safe ways to witness that require initiative, but are not onerous.
First — reach out to the target. Let them know that you see them and the bullying. Offer advice or listen, depending on what they want. Connect with them as a co-worker, if that is something they are open to. Regardless, your support will help them cope with the bullying.
Second, communicate that the bullying is unacceptable and must not be tolerated by the company or organization. Do it publicly (i.e. a callout in the break-room), privately (i.e. a one-on-one with your supervisor or HR) or anonymously (i.e. submit to a suggestion or incident “box”). It doesn’t matter, just do it!
Third, talk to the bully. This can work if you have a rapport with them or they report to you; however, this can have repercussions that could make the situation worse for the target or for you. Use this approach cautiously.
The workplace is a microcosm of our society and its norms and mores, good and bad. Sadly, we have “outstanding” bully role models in our national leaders. Bullying bosses take their cues from bullying leaders. Threats, intimidation, mockery, name calling are once again acceptable and influential. The WBI report indicates 69% of respondents acknowledge a “trickle-down” of disrespect from the public sphere into workplaces. This encourages workplace perpetrators and it discourages following rules or laws. Only 15% of Americans said actions by politicians do not affect workplace conduct.
There are disincentives to calling out bad behavior like bullying. Being a witness makes a difference in society, like standing up to bullying does in the workplace. It’s one of the few things that does.
Next Column: The Pronoun Predicament
Dr. Santo D. Marabella, The Practical Prof, is a professor emeritus of management at Moravian University and hosts the podcast “Office Hours with The Practical Prof … and Friends.” His latest book, “The Lessons of Caring” is written to inspire and support caregivers (available in paperback and eBook). Website: ThePracticalProf.com; Twitter: @PracticalProf; Facebook: ThePracticalProf.
Once a bully, always a bully? Tips to address adult bullying behavior, Dr. Eric Storch
Workplace Bullying Institute 2024 U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey